About Us
Your independent specialist partner for transformers.
Polaris Diagnostics & Engineering was established in 2011, to provide independent transformer consultancy & technical support.
We have a pedigree of technical excellence, in all aspects of transformer life cycle management.
The full time technical team are all professionally qualified in electrical power engineering or forensic investigation and are collectively members of the Institution of Engineering & Technology (IET), Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), Institution of Fire Engineers (IFireE) and the Chartered Society of Forensic Science (CSFS) and are involved at the forefront of the power industry.
Two of our professionals represent the UK on two different CIGRE working groups, one involved with high voltage insulation forensics and the other on the installation and commissioning of transformers and reactors. We are actively involved in collaborative research and development with both UK and overseas partners, some of which has been presented on the international stage. Polaris Diagnostics & Engineering Ltd – your specialist partner for transformer life cycle management & technical support services.
All stages of
Life Cycle Management
Polaris Diagnostic & Engineering Ltd has a pedigree of technical excellence in all aspects of transformer life cycle management and has a proven track record of applying innovative techniques to assist our clients to meet their objectives.
To guide & support you through transformer procurement to post energisation.
Operational Surveillance
We offer a range of services to assist you to make an informed decision on any abnormality.Condition
From evaluation of strategic spare units, to pre and post refurbishment assessments.
End Of Life Evaluation
We offer a range of services to assist you through the end of life evaluation.Our Accreditations
Our company operates an audited and verified integrated managed system & is accredited with:
Contact Us
Can you depend on your strategic spare units when you really need them? Are you making the correct investments in refurbishing specific aged transformers? Polaris Diagnostics & Engineering Ltd can help you make the right decisions.