End of Life Evaluation
We offer a range of services to assist you through the end of life evaluation.
End of Life Evaluation is an integral part of a robust asset & life cycle management strategy.
To identify the cause of a failure, to implicate the influence of a known defect, or to establish ageing mechanisms.
End of life evaluation unlocks a unique data set, critical to understanding how aged apparatus has performed in operational service and how this may affect the future operation of your high voltage apparatus.
We offer a range of independent technical services, with a proven track record at all voltage levels up to and including 400kV, to assist the client through the end of life evaluation process. We have a full complement of electrical diagnostic test equipment to ensure a rapid deployment capability to investigate any post fault situation.
Our Services
End of Life Evaluation
Our professional team which includes a forensic scientist, have developed an in house capability to provide DP Analysis of paper samples. End of Life Evaluation Services Include:
- Review of Oil History
- Review of Operational History
- On Site Overall Visual Inspection
- Independent Oil Sampling & Analysis
- Bushing & Tap Changer Evaluation
- Electrical Diagnostic Testing (Routine)
- Electrical Diagnostic Testing (Post Fault)
- De-Tanking Inspection
- Forensic Inspection & Sampling
- Paper Sampling
- Degree of Polymerisation (DP) Analysis
- Establish Cause of Failure
- Defect Evaluation
- Establish Operational Implications
Contact Us
Can you depend on your strategic spare units when you really need them? Are you making the correct investments in refurbishing specific aged transformers? Polaris Diagnostics & Engineering Ltd can help you make the right decisions.